When a tooth is missing or so damaged that it requires extensive repair, a dental crown is the restoration of choice. Also known as a “cap,” this type of cosmetic restoration has the longest life expectancy of all others. When cemented in place, a crown completely encapsulates the remaining portion of tooth and fully restores
read more According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 16 million people living in this country with a smoking-related illness. Because more than three-quarters of cases of oral cancer are thought to be linked to smoking, researchers sought to find out why. There are approximately 600 species of bacteria in the human mouth.
read more Patients derive many health benefits from regular checkups with the dentist, and researchers have recently uncovered another. First, it is instructive to point out that heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in this country. The most common form of heart disease is “coronary artery disease” (CAD), which is
read more Diabetes has been associated with numerous wide-ranging health risks, and tooth loss may be one of them. When researchers reviewed data collected from more than 37,000 adults aged 25 years and older, they found that diabetics lost their teeth at twice the rate of non-diabetics. In addition, the study revealed that people with periodontal (gum)
read more Brushing and flossing teeth not only help prevent periodontal disease, the leading cause of tooth loss, but they also help reduce the risk of serious degenerative diseases. Research shows that, over time, people with periodontal disease are at higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, pregnancy complications, and dementia. While a cause-and-effect
read more The term “gum recession” refers to the process in which the margin of gingival (gum) tissue surrounding each tooth pulls back or wears away. As a result, “pockets” (gaps) develop around teeth that can trap the bacteria that threaten tooth and bone health. At the very least, anything more than mild recession of the gingiva
read more Even though great strides have been made in preventing and treating tooth decay and gum disease, it is estimated that more than 35 million Americans do not have any teeth, and 178 million people in the United States are missing at least one tooth. “Edentulism,” which is the term used to describe the loss of
read more If your front teeth are severely discolored, misshapen, chipped, cracked, or otherwise imperfect, you may be interested to know that their appearance can be dramatically improved with the application of “porcelain veneers.” These ultra-thin porcelain shells are an excellent alternative to crowns in many situations that require a more conservative approach to changing a tooth’s
read more Older patients have more to gain by visiting the dentist for regular checkups than simply maintaining healthy teeth and gums. As researchers continue to explore the notion that oral health and many diseases may share a common inflammatory pathway, new evidence has emerged that links oral health with cognitive well-being. While this research is in
read more Saliva not only moistens and cleanses the mouth, but it also aids in digestion, controls bacteria, and facilitates enamel remineralization. It does so by neutralizing the acid in plaque and removing germs and food residue, thereby significantly reducing the risk of cavities and providing a mineral barrier that protects tooth surfaces. Thus, it is very
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