The best way to instill the habit of brushing teeth in children is to have them learn by example. Once children have watched their parents perform this twice-daily ritual and get the hang of it, parents should encourage their kids to brush their own teeth. First, children should learn to dab only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on their soft-bristled toothbrushes. They should then concentrate on gently brushing back and forth on the inside surface of each tooth, where bacteria-laden plaque is most likely to accumulate. After that, the outer surfaces should be brushed with the brush turned at an angle along the gum-line. Before rinsing, children should try some tongue-brushing to introduce an element of fun into the process.

Taught early enough, healthy habits turn into healthy lifestyles. Begin with proper brushing and flossing techniques and a tooth-friendly diet. Continue with regular professional care and cleanings for a beaming smile that will last a lifetime. If you would like more information on how to get your child’s dental experience off to a good start, we welcome your call at West Brookfield Dental, 508.867.2777. We have both children and adults as patients here at 9 West Main St., West Brookfield, because everyone, regardless of age, deserves a winning smile.

P.S. Parents should floss for their children beginning at age four. By the time they reach age eight, most kids can begin flossing for themselves.


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