If you neglect your oral health to the point where you develop gum disease, you are placing more than your teeth and gums in jeopardy. Aside from developing the bleeding gums characteristic of “gingivitis” (gum inflammation), research shows that your immune system will become compromised. As a result, white blood cells (which fight off infection) move more slowly and randomly instead of heading directly toward an infectious invader, indicating that inflammation has spread to the entire body. If the inflammation is not slowed and becomes chronic, it can lead to damage of systems and organs throughout the body. This is certainly good reason to brush and floss daily, as well as to have your teeth professionally cleaned and examined.

P.S. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to “periodontitis” (inflammation around the tooth), in which gums pull away from the teeth and form spaces (pockets) that become infected.


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