Dental Blogs


When told that there is an alternative to the traditional drill used for removing tooth decay, some might think that it involves a laser. While there are lasers that can perform some dental tasks, something as old as “air abrasion” can be utilized to remove smaller pockets of tooth decay painlessly and without local anesthetic.

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When the pulp at the center of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to injury, deep cavities, or receding gums, a painful abscess may develop. It is at this point that the patient has to choose between extracting the tooth and restoring it with a root canal procedure, followed by a crown (in some

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Ordinarily, a person produces between 0.75 and 1.5 liters of saliva daily, with peak production occurring during meals and the least amount of saliva being produced during sleep. However, it sometimes happens that people produce too much saliva, a condition known as “hypersalivation.” As a result, saliva can spill over the bottom lip (drooling). This

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Diabetics have every reason to keep their blood sugar under control with medication and healthy habits. One potential complication they face is an increased prevalence of gum disease because they are generally more susceptible to bacterial infection and have a decreased ability to fight invasive bacteria. Complicating the situation even further is emerging research showing

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An Interesting Connection

As numerous studies have confirmed, good oral health is linked to good overall health. A recent example of this connection comes from a study involving 1,566 seniors, 180 of whom had developed some type of dementia. Researchers found that those with 10 to 19 remaining teeth had a 62% greater risk of dementia than those

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Gum recession, which involves lowering of the gingival (gum) tissue around each tooth, becomes more prevalent with age; about half of older adults have at least one tooth affected by gum recession. Aside from aging, this condition may also be influenced by genetic factors. For instance, some people are born with thinner gum tissue than

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It is important to distinguish between caries, the Latin word for decay, and a cavity, which is the hole that occurs if the caries has destroyed the tooth enamel and penetrated the tooth’s dentin. Caries may first appear as a white or brown spot on tooth enamel. It is an indication that bacterial acids have

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Replacement Teeth

Once the average American adult has reached age 50, he or she has lost 12 permanent teeth to decay, injury, or gum disease. It is important that these missing teeth be replaced so that the bite will not be altered and the jawbone will not weaken. In order to address all these potential adverse consequences

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Recent research has indicated that gum disease poses more of a risk to health than the potential for tooth and bone loss. The severe form of gum disease known as “periodontitis” increases the risk of heart disease and other life-threatening conditions. The most recent evidence of a link between oral health and chronic diseases comes

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The term “toothbrush abrasion” refers to brushing one’s teeth so vigorously that tooth enamel becomes damaged and gums recede. This overly energetic brushing leads to thinning enamel and exposed roots that become overly sensitive to hot and cold foods and drink. Avoiding this potential problem begins with selecting a toothbrush with soft bristles that flex

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