A Flossing Primer

In order for flossing to effectively deter tooth decay and gum disease, it must be performed correctly. It only takes a minute or two. Begin by winding a piece of dental floss around each index finger. Then, to floss the upper row of teeth, thumbs should be placed about an inch apart from each other on the floss. To floss the lower teeth, use the middle fingers to stretch the floss apart (instead of the thumbs). Next, floss in an up-and-down motion, sliding the floss against the side of one tooth and then the other adjacent to it. Unlike a back-and-forth sawing motion, sliding the floss vertically against the side of the tooth scrapes away bacterial film.

It has been widely accepted that the use of floss has a favorable effect on plaque removal and disease prevention. Call West Brookfield Dental at 508.867.2777 if you have questions about your dental health. We provide a wide range of innovative dental services specifically tailored to the needs and wants of our patients. At all times our focus is on you and what you want from dentistry. Ultimately, you manage your own oral health. We’re located at 9 West Main St., West Brookfield.

P.S. Gum disease has been linked to a range of cardiovascular problems, as poor dental hygiene and bleeding gums can allow up to 700 different types of bacteria to enter the bloodstream.


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