Timing May Be Everything

Not only is it important to brush and floss daily, but it is also necessary to brush and floss at the right times. For instance, it is sometimes better to brush and floss before breakfast than after. Brushing before eating removes plaque that would otherwise interact with food sugars to produce enamel-eating acids. However, drinking a glass of orange juice at breakfast exposes teeth to acid that leaves tooth enamel in a weakened state. At this point, brushing softened enamel can result in enamel loss. It is therefore better to floss and rinse with water immediately after consuming acid-containing food and drinks, and then brush about an hour later. This leaves time for saliva to remineralize and strengthen enamel.

Are you brushing and flossing at the right time? At West Brookfield Dental, We deliver a high level of quality dental care. All the members of our staff are dedicated to serving you – we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Call us at 508.867.2777 to schedule an appointment. We’re located at 9 West Main St., West Brookfield, where we stress preventive dentistry for the entire family.

P.S. If you are concerned about red wine staining your teeth, rinse your mouth with water after drinking it, and wait an hour to brush. Red wine contains acids that can weaken enamel as much as citrus juice.


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